Nuclear Power Everywhere All at Once

That leaves nuclear power. Zero-emissions, extremely high EROEI, low mineral use and extremely low deaths per TWh generated. Nuclear power plants deliver reliable power for many decades. Moreover, five-eyes allies Australia and Canada have large Uranium resources, so access to fuel should be assured, enhancing energy security. Nuclear power should be the backbone of our […]

Irrational Energy Policy

A review of the irrational energy policies being pursued by National Grid ESO and the Government’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). Never in the field of energy policy has so much damage been inflicted on so many by so few.

Net Zero Big Brother Mind Games

An earlier article, covered the objectives of the Net Zero zealots. This article examines the psychological behaviour change methods being proposed to get us to accept the Net Zero agenda. They include what are termed downstream measures that amount to a massive propaganda campaign from Government, regulation of advertising and influence on TV drama and […]

What Will Net Zero Ever Do For Us?

Up to 60% less energy, 50% less meat, 25% less agricultural land, less car miles, no flying and no shipping. And check out the draconian measures they want to take to implement all this.  

Exploding the Cheap Offshore Wind Fantasy

As energy lobbyists ask for more subsidies for “record low” offshore wind prices, this article explains why the cheap offshore wind power bubble has popped. The energy industry lobbyists are out with their begging bowls demanding more subsidies to deliver more “investment” in renewables in general and offshore wind in particular. It looks like the […]

CO2 Emissions Reductions lead to Slower Growth

We like this new article on the Eigen Values substack – CO2 Emissions Reductions lead to Slower Growth This gives further support to the analysis showing high electricity costs reduce productivity growth.