What a Wunch of Bankers
While the Nigel Farage banking scandal has no doubt been very painful for him, it has also opened a can of worms concerning the behaviour of banks towards their customers. There is plenty of evidence that we are already some way down the slippery slope to a social credit system. The fact that NatWest Group is part-owned by the Government means this is pretty much a state-sponsored social credit system.
This must stop now. This behaviour is totally alien to the history and traditions of Britain. This is not in line with our values. We are supposed to be a freedom-loving democracy where we celebrate differences of opinion, not a tin-pot totalitarian state where essential financial services can be withdrawn on a whim because we are in breach of thoughtcrimes dreamt up in the corridors of a tyrannical bank that was bailed out by the same taxpayers it is now persecuting. NatWest Group are the outliers, not their customers.