Pillars Supporting Net Zero are Crumbling
It is clear that all of the pillars that support the Net Zero agenda are crumbling. Yes, we have seen some warming of global temperatures, but these are likely exaggerated. Yes, CO2 emissions do have an impact on global temperatures, but the actual impact is probably lower than estimated by the IPCC.
These conclusions are supported by the fact that the predictions of climate catastrophe simply have not materialised and there’s precious little evidence that any of the key measures of extreme weather are getting worse. In reality, we have seen benefits from mild warming such as increased crop yields and a greener planet. What we should really fear is a colder climate. That is when harvests fail and people starve.
Even if the doomsayers are right that we are about to see some sort of climate breakdown, it is clear that the preferred strategy of mitigation is the wrong one. Adaptation is much the better strategy because it will produce benefits even if we pursue that strategy unilaterally and even if the climate change we are seeing is largely natural. Mitigation will probably never work and certainly will not work while developing countries continue to expand coal and gas-fired power plants and increase their CO2 emissions.
This perhaps explains why the climate catastrophists and subsidy harvesters are stepping up the propaganda to try and generate popular hysteria and demand for action. But when even someone like Tony Blair acknowledges the futility of unilateral efforts, the Net Zero edifice must be close to collapse.