Why EROEI Matters

Why EROEI Matters

Why EROEI Matters

I find it very worrying that the “experts” don’t know what they don’t know about EROEI and its impact on society. National Grid ESO are recommending and planning for an energy scarce system with inherently low EROEI that is teetering on the edge of the energy cliff. This risks destruction of society as we know it. It is even more troubling that the overall system EROEI is bailed out by the relatively small share allocated to nuclear power that they seem to view as an inconvenience in their overall plan. At best this is an example of institutionalised unconscious incompetence. If a low EROEI system is a conscious choice, then it is bordering on criminal negligence.

If there are any policymakers reading this, it is clear that a significant intervention needs to be made at National Grid ESO before they lead us over the energy cliff to economic and social disaster. In fact, I would encourage readers to contact their local MP, send them this article and ask how they are going to influence Government to ensure that physics triumphs over ignorant dogma.



Posted in Net Zero, Nuclear Power, UK Energy Policy, Uncategorized.