Just Stop It Dale Vince

Demolishing Dale Vince Ecotricity Disinformation Just Stop It

Demolishing Dale Vince Ecotricity Disinformation Just Stop It

Demolishing Dale’s Disinformation

Eco-entrepreneur Dale Vince who owns and runs Ecotricity, has recently given interviews and participated in a Talk TV debate where besides being rude and belligerent, he made some demonstrably false statements about renewable energy, especially how cheap it is. Time for a closer look at Dale and his companies to see how well his claims stand up to scrutiny. My main findings are:

  • Ecotricity and its sister companies have benefited from over £100m in direct and indirect subsidies since 2002.
  • Dale Vince treats the group like a massive ATM, withdrawing over £7m from his director’s loan account over many years after selling some of his shares back to the company.
  • Dale bought some shares in one of his subsidiary companies for £49 and sold them five years later to an unrelated company for more than £36m.
  • ·He has since loaned £19.9m of his money back to his company to prop up its finances. This is quite a lot to lend from someone who claims to have only a few thousand in his current account and no other savings or investments.

It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Dale is engaging in disinformation to protect and promote his own interests.


Posted in Net Zero.