Nuclear Power Everywhere All at Once

Nuclear Power Everywhere All At Once

Nuclear Power Everywhere All At Once

That leaves nuclear power. Zero-emissions, extremely high EROEI, low mineral use and extremely low deaths per TWh generated. Nuclear power plants deliver reliable power for many decades. Moreover, five-eyes allies Australia and Canada have large Uranium resources, so access to fuel should be assured, enhancing energy security. Nuclear power should be the backbone of our electricity generation capacity in 2050, not renewables. In other words, nuclear power everywhere all at once.

Therefore, I have produced a generation mix of 120GW of nuclear capacity, complemented by 32GW of other dispatchable capacity from hydro, waste, natural gas and possibly coal (with particulates, SOx and NOx scrubbed). This means about 79% of generating capacity is nuclear, but it delivers 92% of our electricity.

Posted in Energy Sustainability, Net Zero, Nuclear Power, UK Energy Policy.