Net Zero Big Brother Mind Games

Net Zero Big Brother Mind Games

Net Zero Big Brother Mind Games

An earlier article, covered the objectives of the Net Zero zealots. This article examines the psychological behaviour change methods being proposed to get us to accept the Net Zero agenda.

They include what are termed downstream measures that amount to a massive propaganda campaign from Government, regulation of advertising and influence on TV drama and news to promote upbeat stories about Net Zero. In other words, the Net Zero agenda is going to be so good for us, we need to be bombarded with state-approved positive messages about it from all angles.

Mid-stream interventions include influencing the physical, social, economic and digital environment to alter what is offered to consumers and change perceptions of what is socially acceptable. 15-minute cities and ULEZ are good examples of these types of measures.

Upstream recommendations are a blatant attempt to get the Government to intervene across vast swathes of the economy to align businesses, markets and institutions with Net Zero. These include a meat tax, making flights more expensive, defaulting us onto renewable energy tariffs and making heat pumps look cheaper than gas-boilers.

Overall, the combination of these policies paints a picture of an overweening, authoritarian state using the excuse of “climate” to interfere in every corner of our lives. They want to control what we watch on TV, the adverts we are allowed to see, where we go on holiday, what we eat, how we heat our homes, the cars we drive, how we move about to socialise, to how we get to the shops and what we are allowed to buy.

However, the HoL committee rejected an invitation to commit to limiting themselves two overseas flights per year. So, these measure will only apply to the little people; if you sit in the House of Lords, you can carry on regardless.

They want to force us to become the kind of authoritarian state that we opposed during the Cold War. We need to call time on this nonsense.

Posted in Net Zero, UK Energy Policy.