Free thought and free speech from Generation X and Z
Father and son, engineer and historian team exploring contemporary issues
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Popping the Hydrogen Bubble
The hydrogen business model provides opportunities for additional subsidies to be layered on top of the already generous subsidies paid to producers of intermittent wind and solar energy. This is white collar welfare on steroids, to be paid for by the poorest in society
Lockdown Files Lessons Need to be Applied to Net Zero
Exploding the Cheap Offshore Wind Fantasy
As energy lobbyists ask for more subsidies for “record low” offshore wind prices, this article explains why the cheap offshore wind power bubble has popped. The energy industry lobbyists are out with their begging bowls demanding more subsidies to deliver more “investment” in renewables in general and offshore wind in particular. It looks like the […]
Subsidised Green Jobs Killing Real Jobs
We like the new article on the Eigen Values Substack: Subsidised Green Jobs Killing Real Jobs.