Free thought and free speech from Generation X and Z

Father and son, engineer and historian team exploring contemporary issues

Not 1984. NewOldSpeak

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Net Zero Big Brother Mind Games

An earlier article, covered the objectives of the Net Zero zealots. This article examines the psychological behaviour change methods being proposed to get us to accept the Net Zero agenda. They include what are termed downstream measures that amount to a massive propaganda campaign from Government, regulation of advertising and influence on TV drama and […]

Renewable Energy Prices Set To Rise as Government Panics

Renewable Energy prices set to rise as Government panics by consulting on introducing non-price factor bungs into AR5 Contracts for Difference CfD subsidy scheme.

What Will Net Zero Ever Do For Us?

Up to 60% less energy, 50% less meat, 25% less agricultural land, less car miles, no flying and no shipping. And check out the draconian measures they want to take to implement all this.