Free thought and free speech from Generation X and Z

Father and son, engineer and historian team exploring contemporary issues

Not 1984. NewOldSpeak

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How to Make Nuclear Power Cheaper

My conclusion is that the cost of capital of nuclear can be reduced to the level used in the Government’s 2020 cost of energy report for offshore wind. Further improvements could be made by using the RAB model. Recent increases in interest rates will hit all forms of energy production and maybe nuclear power more […]

Lies, Damned Lies and Wind Power Lobbyists

It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It. Upton Sinclair

Nuclear Power Everywhere All at Once

That leaves nuclear power. Zero-emissions, extremely high EROEI, low mineral use and extremely low deaths per TWh generated. Nuclear power plants deliver reliable power for many decades. Moreover, five-eyes allies Australia and Canada have large Uranium resources, so access to fuel should be assured, enhancing energy security. Nuclear power should be the backbone of our […]