Free thought and free speech from Generation X and Z

Father and son, engineer and historian team exploring contemporary issues

Not 1984. NewOldSpeak

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I Predict a Riot

Personally, I can think of no greater threat to the country than being unable to feed half the population. This threat is at least as great as the threat of energy scarcity. Such matters of literal life and death cannot be solved by dialogue alone. Frankly, I would rather see a peaceful popular revolt than the […]

Why EROEI Matters

I find it very worrying that the “experts” don’t know what they don’t know about EROEI and its impact on society. National Grid ESO are recommending and planning for an energy scarce system with inherently low EROEI that is teetering on the edge of the energy cliff. This risks destruction of society as we know it. It […]

National Grid Fantasy Energy Scenarios

In essence, they are basing the Future Energy Scenarios around an energy scarce world with low EROEI and in many cases intermittent and sometimes unproven technologies. The mitigation for intermittency is both expensive and unproven. What could possibly go wrong? My own belief is that we should be basing our future grid largely around abundant nuclear […]

Just Stop It Dale Vince

Demolishing Dale’s Disinformation Eco-entrepreneur Dale Vince who owns and runs Ecotricity, has recently given interviews and participated in a Talk TV debate where besides being rude and belligerent, he made some demonstrably false statements about renewable energy, especially how cheap it is. Time for a closer look at Dale and his companies to see how […]